The Six Enneads | Plotinus

The Six Enneads by Plotinus

Each group of the Enneads addresses fundamental philosophical questions about existence, knowledge, and the divine, reflecting Plotinus's Neoplatonic thought. The structure allows for a comprehensive exploration of metaphysics, ethics, and the nature of reality.

First Ennead

  1. Treatise 1: On the One
  2. Treatise 2: On the Intellect
  3. Treatise 3: On the Good
  4. Treatise 4: On the Nature and Origin of Evil
  5. Treatise 5: On the Relation of the One to the Intellect
  6. Treatise 6: On the Beauty of the One
  7. Treatise 7: On the Unity of the Intellect
  8. Treatise 8: On the Process of Emanation
  9. Treatise 9: On the Nature of the Soul

Second Ennead

  1. Treatise 1: On the Essence of the Soul
  2. Treatise 2: On the Nature of the Soul and the Body
  3. Treatise 3: On the Immortality of the Soul
  4. Treatise 4: On the Soul's Descent
  5. Treatise 5: On the Soul's Ascent
  6. Treatise 6: On the Nature of the Universe
  7. Treatise 7: On Time and Eternity
  8. Treatise 8: On the Role of Fate
  9. Treatise 9: On the Nature of Evil

Third Ennead

  1. Treatise 1: On the Two Kinds of Knowledge
  2. Treatise 2: On the Nature of the Philosopher
  3. Treatise 3: On the Nature of Happiness
  4. Treatise 4: On the Nature of the Good
  5. Treatise 5: On the Problem of Evil
  6. Treatise 6: On the Nature of the Cosmos
  7. Treatise 7: On the Nature of Knowledge
  8. Treatise 8: On the Different Types of Life
  9. Treatise 9: On the Role of the Philosopher in Society

Fourth Ennead

  1. Treatise 1: On the Nature of the Divine
  2. Treatise 2: On the Nature of the Cosmos
  3. Treatise 3: On the Nature of the Soul
  4. Treatise 4: On the Nature of the Intellect
  5. Treatise 5: On the Nature of Change
  6. Treatise 6: On the Nature of the Universe
  7. Treatise 7: On the Nature of Time
  8. Treatise 8: On the Nature of Place
  9. Treatise 9: On the Nature of the Good

Fifth Ennead

  1. Treatise 1: On the Nature of the Intellect
  2. Treatise 2: On the Nature of the Soul
  3. Treatise 3: On the Nature of the Body
  4. Treatise 4: On the Nature of Change
  5. Treatise 5: On the Nature of the Universe
  6. Treatise 6: On the Nature of the Divine
  7. Treatise 7: On the Nature of Knowledge
  8. Treatise 8: On the Nature of the Cosmos
  9. Treatise 9: On the Nature of Happiness

Sixth Ennead

  1. Treatise 1: On the Nature of the Soul
  2. Treatise 2: On the Nature of the Intellect
  3. Treatise 3: On the Nature of the One
  4. Treatise 4: On the Nature of Being
  5. Treatise 5: On the Nature of Change
  6. Treatise 6: On the Nature of Time
  7. Treatise 7: On the Nature of the Cosmos
  8. Treatise 8: On the Nature of the Divine
  9. Treatise 9: On the Nature of the Good
