Sentientia Numinis


: A philosopher and statesman, Cicero wrote extensively on religion and the nature of the gods in works like De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods). He explored the relationship between humans and divine beings. 
In this work, Cicero explores various philosophical perspectives on the gods, discussing their nature and the relationship between the divine and humanity. He presents arguments from different schools of thought, including Stoicism and Epicureanism, to illustrate the complexity of divine existence and human understanding.

"The gods are not indifferent to our prayers; they listen to our requests with greater attention than we imagine."

Seneca: A Stoic philosopher, Seneca's writings often touched on the divine and the relationship between humanity and higher powers. His essays and letters emphasize the importance of virtue and aligning oneself with the natural order. Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium (Moral Letters to Lucilius) In his letters, Seneca often reflects on the nature of the divine and the importance of aligning oneself with the natural order. He emphasizes the role of reason in understanding the divine and living a virtuous life, suggesting that true wisdom comes from recognizing the presence of higher powers in our lives.

"We are more concerned about our reputation with men than about our conscience with God."

Lucretius: In De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things), Lucretius presents a materialistic view of the universe but also discusses the nature of the divine. He argues against the fear of gods influencing human fate, suggesting that understanding the natural world leads to a more profound appreciation of existence without the need for divine intervention.

 "Fear is the mother of all gods; therefore, the gods are born out of fear, and the greatest fear is death."

Pliny the Elder: In his Natural History, Pliny explored various aspects of the natural world, including references to spiritual phenomena and the influence of divine beings on nature. In this extensive work, Pliny examines various aspects of the natural world, including phenomena that he attributes to divine influence. He reflects on the interconnectedness of nature and the divine, suggesting that understanding the natural world can lead to a greater appreciation of the divine order.

"In truth, there is nothing more extraordinary than the workings of nature, which are, in fact, the workings of the divine."

Augustine of Hippo: Although he lived after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Augustine's works, such as Confessions and City of God, delve deeply into the nature of God and the human experience of the divine. In this autobiographical work, Augustine explores his spiritual journey and the nature of God. He reflects on his experiences of divine grace and the transformative power of faith, emphasizing the importance of awareness of the divine in personal and communal life.

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."
