
Richat Structure, Mauritania

Image The Richat Structure  A topographic reconstruction (scaled 6:1 on the vertical axis)  • Brown: bedrock • Yellow/white: sand • Green: vegetation • Blue: salty sediments This prominent circular feature, known as the Richat Structure, in the Sahara desert of Mauritania is often noted by astronauts because it forms a conspicuous 50-kilometer-wide (30-mile-wide) bull's-eye on the otherwise rather featureless expanse of the desert. Initially mistaken for a possible impact crater, it is now known to be an eroded circular anticline (structural dome) of layered sedimentary rocks. Extensive sand dunes occur in this region and the interaction of bedrock topography, wind, and moving sand is evident in this scene. Note especially how the dune field ends abruptly short of the cliffs at the far right as wind from the northeast (lower right) apparently funnels around the cliff point, sweeping clean areas near the base of the cliff. Note also ...

Instructions of Shuruppak

Ubara-Tutu is recorded in most copies of the  Sumerian King List  as being the final king of Sumer prior to the  deluge . Ubara-tutu is briefly mentioned in  tablet XI  of the  Epic of Gilgamesh , where he is identified as the father of  Utnapishtim , a character who is instructed by the god  Ea  to build a boat in order to survive the coming flood.     Utnapishtim  ( Akkadian :  𒌓𒍣 , "he has found life") was a legendary king of the ancient city of  Shuruppak  in southern Iraq, who, according to the  Gilgamesh flood myth , one of several similar narratives, survived  the Flood  by making and occupying a boat.  He is called by different names in different traditions:  Ziusudra  ("Life of long days", rendered Xisuthros, Ξίσουθρος in  Berossus ) in the earliest, Sumerian versions, later Shuruppak (after his city),  Atra-hasis  ("exceeding wise") in the earliest  Ak...

The Six Enneads | Plotinus

The Six Enneads by Plotinus Each group of the Enneads addresses fundamental philosophical questions about existence, knowledge, and the divine, reflecting Plotinus's Neoplatonic thought. The structure allows for a comprehensive exploration of metaphysics, ethics, and the nature of reality. First Ennead Treatise 1 : On the One Treatise 2 : On the Intellect Treatise 3 : On the Good Treatise 4 : On the Nature and Origin of Evil Treatise 5 : On the Relation of the One to the Intellect Treatise 6 : On the Beauty of the One Treatise 7 : On the Unity of the Intellect Treatise 8 : On the Process of Emanation Treatise 9 : On the Nature of the Soul Second Ennead Treatise 1 : On the Essence of the Soul Treatise 2 : On the Nature of the Soul and the Body Treatise 3 : On the Immortality of the Soul Treatise 4 : On the Soul's Descent Treatise 5 : On the Soul's Ascent Treatise 6 : On the Nature of the Universe Treatise 7 : On Time and Eternity Treatise 8 : On the Role of...

Sentientia Numinis

  Cicero : A philosopher and statesman, Cicero wrote extensively on religion and the nature of the gods in works like De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods). He explored the relationship between humans and divine beings.  In this work, Cicero explores various philosophical perspectives on the gods, discussing their nature and the relationship between the divine and humanity. He presents arguments from different schools of thought, including Stoicism and Epicureanism, to illustrate the complexity of divine existence and human understanding. "The gods are not indifferent to our prayers; they listen to our requests with greater attention than we imagine."

The golden Flowers| Apollonius

Here beginneth the first Treatise of this Art, which Master  Apollonius  calleth,  The golden Flowers,  being the generall Introduction to all Natural Sciences; and this is Confirmed, Composed, and Approved by the Authority of  Solomon, Manichæus,  and  Euduchæus. Philostratus was born in Lemnos, a Greek island, and later lived in Athens and Rome. He was active during the Roman Empire, a time of significant cultural and intellectual exchange. He was influenced by Neoplatonism, a philosophical system that emerged in response to earlier Platonic thought, emphasizing metaphysics, the nature of reality, and the importance of the soul. The Life of Apollonius of Tyana This work is a biography of the philosopher and mystic Apollonius, chronicling his life, travels, teachings, and miracles. It presents Apollonius as a divine figure, emphasizing his wisdom, moral teachings, and connections to the divine. The biography is divided into eight books, mixi...

"Oh, the Places You'll Go!"

Mercury completes its orbit around the Sun in about 88 days. This can be rounded to 90 days for simplicity. Farmers often plan their planting and harvesting schedules around lunar cycles, which are closely linked to solar cycles. The phases of the Moon can influence plant growth, and the 90-day cycle can be a useful guideline for seasonal planting.  The Earth’s seasons are influenced by its axial tilt and orbit around the Sun. Each season lasts roughly three months (about 90 days ), aligning with the idea of timing agricultural activities to maximize yield based on seasonal growth patterns.   Venus's Orbital and Rotational Characteristics 225 Days : This is the time it takes for Venus to complete one orbit around the Sun. 243 Earth Days : Venus has a very slow rotation on its axis, taking about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation. Interestingly, this means that a day on Venus (one full rotation) is longer than a year on Venus (one full orbit around the Sun). Mars Orbi...

February 28, 2025 | Planetary Parade

In many esoteric traditions, the alignment of all seven planets symbolizes the integration of various aspects of the self and the cosmos. This moment could be seen as an opportunity to achieve a greater state of unity, both internally and externally, resonating with the Hermetic principle of "As above, so below." From a Kabbalistic perspective, each planet corresponds to specific Sephirot on the Tree of Life. The alignment could be interpreted as a moment when the divine energies of these Sephirot coalesce, fostering a powerful opportunity for spiritual awakening and the elevation of consciousness. In alchemical traditions, the convergence of planetary energies can be seen as a moment of transformation. This alignment might signify the "Great Work," where the alchemist (or seeker) can transmute base experiences into spiritual gold, integrating lessons learned into a higher understanding. The seven astrological archetypes, including the Sun and Moon, represent signif...